If you need a reliable supplier of cocoa, coffee, dairy, nuts or spices, our sheer scale and specialist knowledge in each makes us a go-to. But the real value comes when we cross-pollinate our thinking to open up exciting new possibilities.
olam food ingredients is now known as ofi. Focused on the raw materials and ingredient platforms that we're known for globally - cocoa, coffee, dairy, nuts, and spices. We still offer everything we did before. What’s new is that we’re adding capabilities - especially in product development - working closely with our customers, sharing our fresh ideas to inspire new concepts. Making it real at every step, from plant to palate.
It’s easy to make something taste amazing. It’s much harder to fill it with nutritional benefits too. And what about making sure it’s ethically sourced and right for the planet? Whatever category you’re serving, let’s supersede the benchmark with our portfolio of highly complementary natural and delicious ingredients. Co-creation is easy!
Your next cookie filling, cake topping, pie crust, biscuit crumb or bread mix starts with our playground of ingredients. Let’s get busy combining tastes, textures and colors that not only delight consumers, but also the people and planet around them. Give sweet treats a natural twist by combining our cocoa powder and nut pastes to create indulgent center-filled cookies with a premium texture.
From cold brewed spiced coffee to golden milk made with dairy powder or nuts to suit modern consumer preferences. Even the most basic ingredient can make a real difference. With us, you can customize and co-create from plant to palate to find taste, texture and nutritional profiles that make your hot, cold, or plant-based beverages unique.
The world loves cocoa, in chocolate, confectionery, ice cream, bars and desserts. The need to make these better for our bodies and planet has never been greater. We’re bringing lots of fresh thinking to the table – like reducing sugar and sodium in recipes with clever cocoa creations and vegan, organic and traceable solutions. How about creating delicious vegan ‘milk’ chocolate bars with our gluten-free and grain-free cashew flour?
Emerging flavor trends in milks, yogurts and ice-creams are a real opportunity to create healthy, tasty, formulations that consumers can indulge in. Why not try new twists on familiar pairings, such as chocolate doughnut and coffee flavored ice cream? In cocoa alone, our R&D specialists can help tackle challenges in both dairy and plant-based desserts: from a unique methodology to pair cocoa powders with pea, nut, or oat bases to address taste, to reducing bitterness of FMP formats with our Fresco Cacao.
It’s great when you can respond to trends. It’s even better when you spark them yourself. Together, we can create sauces, nut-based cheeses, and spice blends that fulfil existing desires or even feed new ones. How about putting a new spin on traditional dishes with trend-led ingredients like our choco mole sauce inspired by the Oaxaca region of Mexico? Using authentic spices and premium cocoa, this sauce is rich in antioxidants with a deep color and enticing aroma that will delight the senses.
Join our search for the next trail mix, cereal, or snack bar hit. Together, we can find new ingredient combinations that fulfil consumer desire for taste, texture, nutrition, and traceability. One idea? Take consumers on a journey through the world’s most vibrant cuisines with seasoned nut recipes drawing on our Blends of the Americas spice range, including Blanched Almonds with Spicy Citrus Coast and Candied Cashews with Warm Sedona Sunset.
By Andrew Brooks, Head of Cocoa Sustainability, olam food ingredients (ofi)
This week, the world’s attention turns to a heavy burden that can damage a child’s Health and Education: child labour. In ofi's cocoa business, we are focused on solving this problem every day.
Most child labour in cocoa relates to children carrying out hazardous tasks on the family farm, distinct from the much rarer issue of forced labour, and has no one cause. Labour laws can be misunderstood, and schools might be located far away. Even if there is a school nearby, children may not have the documents they need to enrol. When combined with rural poverty, many parents think their child’s time is best spent helping on the farm. And now, these cocoa-growing communities are also battling a global health pandemic.
We’re working to tackle each of these challenges in turn. Under our Cocoa Compass sustainability ambition, we aim to completely eradicate child labour from our direct supply chain by 2030 and ensure farmers’ children can access the education they are entitled to. In 2020, we reached the critical milestone of rolling out child labour monitoring across 183,000 households in nine countries.
There is still a lot to do, and collaboration with our customers, national governments, and civil society is essential. For example, we recently asked the Fair Labor Association (FLA) to assess the extent to which cocoa farmers and their families have benefited from our sustainability programmes in Côte d’Ivoire, their perception and satisfaction with these interventions, and help to refine our approach further.
Using a due diligence methodology called Social Impact Assessment, the FLA collected extensive data and interviewed over 450 people from ten cocoa communities, including women and children. It found that of all our efforts to tackle child labour, the setting up of child labour monitoring and remediation and enabling access to education are the most advanced and have the most significant impact.
It also revealed that over two-thirds of those interviewed think child labour is on the decline in their community, and 80% believe that the interventions by ofi and our partners are contributing to protecting children.
There are areas for improvement. The FLA suggested we provide additional support to help farmers access affordable labour. And ensure greater follow-up with Village Savings and Loans Associations to maximise their ability to promote child protection.
We know that combining our efforts through multi-stakeholder partnerships, championed by local and regional governments, and supported by international finance institutions, is the best way to create the kind of long-term systemic change needed to reach universal school attendance
and graduation for children in cocoa communities.
This World Day Against Child Labour reminds us that if we want to put children first in cocoa, we must be open to testing new approaches and adapting our efforts based on what works best. The future of a cocoa generation is at stake if we don’t.