Lactorich Vers B2

for wide-ranging applications

Want to optimize your dairy products? Our latest instant filled milk powder, Lactorich Vers B2, can help. Providing a rich, creamy mouthfeel and a clean profile, this solution offers optimal value in helping you create better dairy products with no added flavors.


It is also coffee and tea-stable – so you don’t need to worry about floating white particles in your hot beverages. Instead, your consumers can simply enjoy a superior whitening effect, reduced astringent notes and a rich tea-flavor release.


This versatile solution is specially designed to replace whole milk powder in a wide range of applications, offering optimized performance in functionality and taste. 


One extraordinary solution. Limitless potential to meet consumer demand for healthier, tastier dairy-based products.

For an overview on the benefits of Lactorich Vers B2, download our 1-page product brochure.

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