Papua New Guinea

The cocoa and coffee farmers of Papua New Guinea are important suppliers to our subsidiary Outspan PNG Ltd. We began operations in East New Britain in 2000, exporting cocoa beans and today we operate in all of the country’s cocoa-producing regions and export coffee beans from the Highlands and Morobe.


Our leadership position in both cocoa and coffee is the outcome of our commitment to best practices and to the welfare of our farmer suppliers and their communities. Strong partnerships with farmers have been enhanced by our approach on fair prices and offering services, training on crop rehabilitation and block management, and our commitment to helping them access new markets through ofi’s global network.


These efforts have been acknowledged by both the government and other organisations – including the Cocoa Board of Papua New Guinea and the Coffee Industry Corporation.


Our coffee division has also engaged smallholder farmers and industry participants through 4C and UTZ certification and the cocoa division has seen several sites receive Rainforest Alliance Certification.

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