
Peru is a major country for our coffee portfolio. We are the largest multi-national processor and exporter of Peruvian green coffee, supplying roasters around the world. We are also one of the largest suppliers of organic & sustainable certified coffees from the country. We derive this strength from direct relationships and partnerships with more than 5000 farmers and cooperatives, collecting their crop as close as possible to the farmgate, and managing the entire supply chain from origination to processing, sales and delivery. This strength allows us to supply premium coffees produced sustainably for some of the most valued coffee brands globally. 


We have also invested in 2 modern coffee processing mills to maintain and preserve the quality produced by the farmers.Our sustainability programmes currently reach more than 5,000 coffees mallholder farmers, making significant positive impact to their livelihoods. The programmes are focused on optimising farm economics and creating a positive environmental and social impact in the communities and landscapes in some of the least developed areas of the country. 


We strive to develop customised solutions to improve yields, quality, and market access, and provide training on quality upgradation, water management, climate-smart agri-practices and organic production.  

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