Code of Conduct

The Code is a guide to help put our values into practice, and to give the knowledge and courage to everyone to speak out.


It is a commitment that together we will continue to make ofi a company we are proud of, where we do the right thing, and where we have a positive impact on the world around us.


We uphold the Law and the Code

ofi employees must always comply with the applicable laws and regulations. Ignorance of the law is no excuse.


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We put integrity and fair play at the heart of all relationships

ofi expects it employees to conduct business in an honest and ethical way.


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We respect the rights of individuals, communities and the environment

It is critical we do not damage others or the environment.


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We protect ofi's reputation and assets

ofi’s reputation is our most important asset we have.


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We Speak Out!

You must speak out if you are made aware of, suspect, or see any serious wrongdoing or violation of this Code,ofi policies and applicable laws.


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1. Compliance

We uphold the Law and the Code

ofi employees must always comply with the applicable laws and regulations. Ignorance of the law is no excuse.

2. Integrity

We put integrity and fair play at the heart of all relationships

ofi expects it employees to conduct business in an honest and ethical way. 

3. Respect

We respect the rights of individuals, communities and the environment

It is critical we do not damage others or the environment.

4. Reputation

We protect ofi's reputation and assets

ofi’s reputation is our most important asset we have.

5. Reporting

We Speak Out!

You must speak out if you are made aware of, suspect, or see any serious wrongdoing or violation of this Code, ofi policies and applicable laws.

To view and print a version of the ofi Code of Conduct please download from the following links

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Code of Conduct
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Code de Conduite
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Polish - Polski
Código de Conduta
Portuguese - Português
Código de Conducta
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Vietnamese - Tiếng Việt
We uphold the law and the Code

ofi operates in many different countries. Where local law and regulations conflict with the Code, you must comply with whichever sets the highest standard i.e., if the Code sets a higher standard, you must apply the Code and vice versa. Where local law is stricter than the Code, ofi’s local policies and procedures must comply with these enhanced local standards. If, by following the Code, you believe you have to breach local law or you are unclear on what to do, consult with LEGAL. 

We put integrity and fair play at the heart of all relationships

ofi opposes the unlawful restriction of competition, including formal or informal cartels. Examples on non-competitive behavior include discussing prices, volumes, business strategy, anticipated crop yields etc. with third party suppliers, customers, and competitors in the context of industry association participation, sales and distribution relationships and pre-M&A due diligence, as this can lead to accusations of price fixing and unfair competition. Investigations by competition authorities may result in significant fines, costs, and compensation claims by our customers and competitors. It can also seriously damage our reputation and commercial relationships. Criminal sanctions for individuals, including imprisonment may also apply. 

We respect the rights of individuals, communities, and the environment

ofi makes sure its workplaces are built around well-being, equality, inclusion, and trust. That means we must take a proactive approach to protect the rights of people in all our workplaces. 

We protect ofi’s reputation and assets

We commit to protecting ofi’s reputation and other tangible and intangible assets. We do so to better serve our customers and preserve value for our investors and other stakeholders. Consequently, all we do in this regard will be in full compliance with the applicable law.  

Reporting your concerns (speak out!)

We encourage all employees and anyone outside of the company who suspects wrongdoing to speak out!