Tackling sustainability challenges with technology

Technology has a vital role to play in helping us transform agricultural supply chains for the better. Here’s how we’re making the most of it.

Data and technology are critical to improving global food systems and addressing the challenges described by the UN Sustainable Development Goals. They offer clear-cut opportunities to improve supply-chain transparency and make sustainability projects more effective and more efficient. 


But because agricultural supply chains are often fragmented, with crops passing through many hands, reliable data can be hard to come by. That’s why we’re constantly investing in new technology; to gather better data, improve traceability, and plan social and environmental initiatives with the size and speed to benefit both people and planet.

The technology driving our sustainability efforts

AtSource logo

Our award-winning sustainability platform is underpinned by data from OFIS. AtSource gives you a single view of your supply chain sustainability parameters, plus insights to help you influence those factors for the better.


AtSource is helping us to empower farmers while giving you greater understanding of their work and lives. This can help you meet your own sustainability commitments and build trust with consumers.

Above shot of trees and the sky
Integrated Impact Statement

The Integrated Impact Statement is a financial tool created by Olam to help make better business decisions and explain the impact of our actions more clearly. It’s designed to give greater insight into social, environmental and human factors and what affects them over the long-term.


While non-financial assets like intellectual and intangible capital account for a large part of our market value, they’re not included in current reporting models. We’ve challenged ourselves to introduce these into our thinking. This multi-capital approach will positively impact how we operate, delivering value to customers, partners and suppliers. 

Two men shaking hands
Olam Direct

Olam Direct is a mobile app that puts power back in the hands of the farmer; letting them transact directly with ofi and giving them control over their sales and earnings. Roughly 5,400 Ghanaian smallholder farmers have used Olam Direct to negotiate better prices for their cashews. 


It also offers access to advice, financing and supplies for those who struggle to find them otherwise. About 90,000 farmers are now using this transformational app. 

Two men looking at something on a mobile device

Olam Farmer Information System (OFIS)

Using GPS and detailed surveys, OFIS give farmers a new level of insight into their own farms so they can increase yields and quality. OFIS data is collected by a global team 6,000-strong, and as well as farm data it includes important information about communities. For instance, if we see there’s no school in an area we know there might be a risk of child labor. Armed with this information, we can take action with our customers by building or refurbishing a school.

AtSource logo
Above shot of trees and the sky
Integrated Impact Statement
Two men shaking hands
Olam Direct
Two men looking at something on a mobile device

Read ofi news

Global Coffee Platform recognises two tiers of Olam’s AtSource programme as sustainability schemes

In a move by the Global Coffee Platform (GCP) to advance transparency and sustainability in the coffee value chain, two tiers of Olam International’s sustainability insights platform AtSource – AtSource Entry Verified1 and AtSource Plus - have been added as new sustainable sourcing schemes to the GCP Reporting on Sustainable Coffee Purchases programme2.

Screenshot of the homepage of the Atsource website
A coffee education: Olam partners with TechnoServe to upskill Guatemala’s coffee farmers

4,000 smallholder farmers in the remote growing region of Huehuetenango in Guatemala will benefit from technical training and resources designed to raise coffee quality and livelihoods.

Mountainous farming landscape in Guatemala
Olam wins Impact Award for digital platform that empowers smallholder farmers and improves incomes

Olam has been recognised for making a difference in farmers’ lives through its Olam Direct platform at Innovation Leader’s 2020 Impact Awards.

A man in work overall standing in front a big tree somewhere in a forest looking up to the sky
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