
We don’t take the term “black gold,” lightly. With a farm level sourcing network managed in-origin by our pepper experts and two estates in Vietnam and Brazil, we can ensure supply quality and product security from field to factory.

Keep an eye on your supply 

Black Pepper

The most traded spice in the world, black pepper is the dried fruit of the pepper plant and is used to flavor a variety of applications. The unripe berries of the pepper plant are picked when turning yellow and immediately dried after harvest with the skin on. As it dries, enzymes in the berries cause the skin to turn black and wrinkly.

White Pepper

A milder form of pepper, with a lightly fermented aroma and taste, white pepper is grown on the same vine as black pepper. However, white pepper differs because it is made from peppercorns that are picked ripe and processed to remove the outer skin, leaving behind a smooth white finish on the berry. White pepper tastes bright and sharp and slightly more herbaceous than black pepper.

Single Estate Pepper

Fuelled by a passion for the kind of consistency and specialization only guaranteed from a single source, we sought the world’s best locations to nurture and grow our single varietals of pepper. 

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